Wednesday, 3 March 2010


My tickets have arrived for the Irving Penn exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery (6 April). I don't know much about him, apart from working for Vogue magazine in New York, but I'm looking forward to seeing his work.
I've also just received my pass for Focus on Imaging 2010 courtesy of the OCA! and  will be my first visit. This is my wishlist:

1. Meet the OCA staff
2. Get advice on how to promote a website once it's established
3. Buy a Sekonic light meter (L308-S or L358)
4. Buy a VR panoramic head (Nodal Ninja if I can find one)
5. Buy a Nikon flash remote cord (SC-28)
6. Buy a Nikon SB-800 or SB-900
7. Circulate my business cards

If I can achieve a couple of the above, then I'll be happy. However, I have a feeling that I'll probably end up coming home without achieving any of the above, but having bought all sorts of other unplanned items!

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